Watercolours – Historical and Literature Ollantaytambo (38.4cm x 25.4cm) Stanton Drew Stone Circle (32cm x 20.5cm) Kom Ombo (26.8cm x 19.6cm) Pyramids and Sphinx (17.5cm x 13.2cm) Valley of The Queens - Hatshepsut's Temple (40.2cm x 27.3cm) Colossi of Memnon (35.7cm x 23.2cm) Temple of Edfu (39.5cm x 26.5cm) Temple of Philae (39.9cm x 26.8cm) Temple of Luxor (53.3cm x 38.4cm) Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens (48cm x 37cm) Saqqara (40cm x 27cm) Roman Forum - Morning (38.5cm x 26.8cm) Deerleap Standing Stones (26.4cm x 16cm) Stonehenge (38.6cm x 25.2cm) Avebury Stone Circle (38.5cm x 24.9cm) Abu Simbel (53cm x 37.2cm) Athens - Theatre of Herodes Atticus (48.4cm x 36.4cm) Castlerigg Stone Circle (22.3cm x 12.5cm) Giza (51.5cm x 31.4cm) Pompeii (44.5cm x 30cm) Herculaneum (39cm x 25.4cm) Rome - The Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum (38cm x 27cm) Sacsayhuaman (26.5cm x 15.7cm) Machu Picchu (73cm x 55cm) John Bunyan's Chimney (26.2cm x 30cm) Elveden Memorial (28.2cm x 57cm) Towton Memorial (21.7cm x 37.3cm) Illustration for Thomas Hardy's 'Two On A Tower' - Swithin under the Cold Stars (29.6cm x 22.8cm) admin2024-12-15T23:07:07+00:00 Like This Post? Share It With Others! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail